Participation in early childhood education assists in the critical development of skills and abilities such as social skills, fine motor and sensory skills, language development and vocabulary, independent problem-solving skills, and a life-long passion for learning. That is why Guppy’s Early Learning Centres promote safe, accessible, and personalised care which meets the individual needs of children across Queensland. We carefully plan focused play-based and life-like learning opportunities to children’s strengths needs and interests to give your children their best start. Operating in line with the National Quality Standards, the Early Years Learning Framework, and Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, our goal is to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years old, including their transition to school.
Keeping Up to Date
At Guppy’s, we believe strongly in partnerships with families and creating collaborative environments that encourage participation in programs and contributions to decision making. To facilitate communication between parents and educators we use the Xplor Home App which is an online programme which gives parents and guardians access to important information like daily updates, learning journeys and centre news (policies, procedures and forms are all available here).
On the Home App you will also be able to access individual children’s profiles which are maintained by staff and provide a monitored record of your child’s learning and outcomes.
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The National Quality Standard
Guppy’s Early Learning centre works with the National Quality Framework (NQF) for early childhood education and care to ensure our childcare program will best prepare your child for school. Following the NQF Guppy’s Early Learning Centres will ensure:
- greater individual care and attention for children
- better support for children’s learning and development
- educators with increased skills and qualifications
- improved educator to child ratios in most services
- a rating system of education and care services
Queensland Government Approved Kindergarten Program
Kindergarten is a structured, play-based program led by a university qualified teacher for children in the year before they attend primary school. At Guppy’s, we offer accredited kindergarten programs that reflect the Approved Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline, overseen by a dedicated Head of Kindergarten coordinator.

Being an experienced early childhood education leader and a Bachelor qualified early education teacher ensures our kindergarten programs are in-depth and adapted to different avenues of learning. We understand that practices are always evolving and improving, and we are committed to incorporating novel and appropriate concepts into our programs. This ensures the children who attend Guppy’s Early Learning Centres will develop the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions to successfully enter formal schooling, and also develop a passion and love for life-long learning.
We strongly value family engagement and are passionate about facilitating and maintaining open communication with families. Our centres offer long hours and flexible options to make early learning as accessible as possible. We understand that not all families have the same routine, so our programs are offered five days a week, year-round.
At Guppy’s, we believe strongly in partnerships with families and the community. We invite and encourage our families and the greater community to participate in programs and contribute to decision making. Information regarding current practices within the service and the community is regularly made available to all families. Ideas and strategies are shared, and feedback sought to effect continuous improvement within the service.
For more information about the Queensland Government kindergarten program, click here.