Daily Fees
Our daily fees depend on your child’s age and the location of your service. If you have your CCS percentage and your eligible hours we can give you a daily fee estimate over the phone, feel free to contact your nearest Guppy’s Early Learning Centre.
Child Care Subsidy
All families using an approved early childhood facility within Australia may be eligible to apply to Centrelink for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) which can be obtained through the Family Assistance Office. You can find out more about your eligibility for CCS here.
Before you can apply for CCS, you must have a Centrelink online account. If you do not have one, you can open an account here.
If you have a Centrelink online account you can apply for CCS via myGov here.
Guppy’s Early Learning Centre Accounts
If you would like to arrange to pay our fees by direct debit please arrange at the Centre or speak to your Nominated Supervisor.
Two weeks’ notice is required to reduce or cancel care. If you do not provide two weeks’ notice for cancellation of care two weeks’ fees are payable.
All fees must be kept up to date at all times and any account in arrears as of 11 am each Friday will be charged a late payment fee.
Re-Enrol for 2024
It is that time of the year when we need to update our records and find out which children will or will not be attending our centre in 2024. This information will assist our team members in planning programming for the New Year and filling spots for children on our waiting list.
To re-enrol your children, please complete the following documents and return them to your centre’s Director. We can’t wait to see you again next year!